Patrons’ Award for Painting • $1000
Dark Shadows by Robert Seufert
Patrons’ Award for Drawing, Pastel or Printmaking • $1000
Otter by Ron Balerno
Patrons’ Award for Sculpture • $1000
Perch by Shawn Campbell
Award in memory of Jack Staub given by Sally Drayer • $1000
Harmony in Bloom by TingTing Hsu
Award for a watercolor given by Marvin Harold Cheiten • $500
Pinnacle by Beatrice Bork
The Bridgeview Award for a work featuring one of Bucks County's scenic bridges given by Terri and Jon Epstein • $500
Junction by Jonathan Rischawy
Crystal Springs Farm Award given by Kathy and Ted Fernberger • $500
Moment of Light by Dot Bunn
Award for a work of art that recognizes, depicts and celebrates diversity in America given by Mary and Herbert Flamer • $500Devon by Steve Smith
Award for a first-time exhibitor in memory of Russell P. Gilsdorf given by Pat and Bruce Hamilton • $500
Concentration by Ginger Del Rey
Award in memory of Bill Tinsman for an image that captures the beauty of the area he sought to preserve, given by the Lumberville Founder’s Day Committee • $500
On the Canal by Pat Proniewski
Denise and Volker Oakey Award honoring all Phillips’ Mill Art Show committee chairs from John Folinsbee to Mary Flamer • $500
Winter Sunrise Over Lambertville by Kenn Backhaus
Award in memory of Edwin Leffingwell given by Jon and Linda Paton • $500
Rosie’s Nine by Robert Beck
Phillips’ Mill Community Association Sculpture Award • $500
Wrath by Tricia Zimic
Award for a painting of an interior scene given by Diana and Jim Resek • $500
The Key by Robert Papp
Award in memory of James W. Rintala for a work in any medium depicting a body of water in nature given by Ron and Barbara Rintala • $500
Perilous Journey by Susan Gilli
Award in honor of RTP given by Al, Cindy, Chris and Jenny Ruenes • $500
Krater II by Michael McFadden (sculpture)
Award in memory of Gus, Grace and Ty given by Kathy Schroeher and Jim Clare • $500
Of Earth & Stone by Jenny Schaeffer
Award for a landscape painting in memory of James Stinnett given by Alice Tillett • $500Late Evening - December by David Hahn
Award in memory of James D. Westcott given anonymously • $500
Keeper by Christiane Casella (sculpture)
Bucks County Herald Award in memory of Joseph T. Wingert given by Bridget Wingert • $500
Fall Rowing on the Schuylkill by Kate Wright
Each year we choose to honor an artist who has been a loyal participant in the Phillips’ Mill Art Exhibition over many years.

We are excited to share that Pamela Miller, whose painting “The Party Cat at Phillips’ Mill” was recently selected this year’s Signature Image, has been named the 2023 Honored Artist. This unprecedented and happy coincidence occurred through independent voting.
Although she began as a potter, Miller is best known for her landscapes. In the 1980s, she began to work with pastels, finding joy in the immediacy of that medium. She has developed her own technique of sharpening her sticks and using them like finely pointed brushes. Miller also enjoys painting portraits of children. Her work has been included in many of Phillips’ Mill’s juried art exhibitions over the years and is also exhibited at the Coryell Gallery in Lambertville, New Jersey. Miller was part of the Phillips’ Mill 75th Retrospective Invitational Show in 2005.
You can read more about Pamela here: READ MORE

Every year the Phillips’ Mill Art Show Committee selects a “Signature Image” of the Mill to be used on posters, ads, postcards, social media and the website for the upcoming show. This is a dynamic opportunity for artists to build their visibility among collectors. In the past, many of our signature images have sold.
Artists are encouraged to include whimsical as well as traditional depictions of the Mill and its surroundings. We encourage artists to consider themes of diversity and to “think outside of the box."
The 2023 Signature Image is "The Phillips' Mill Party Cat" by Pamela Miller. The artist was inspired by a cat who would sit by the side of the road and wait until it was safe to cross to come "party" at the Mill.
“It was a thrill to be chosen, and this painting tells a great story of a cat who would come strutting into the Mill (during opening receptions and other events) to get its chin scratched," says Miller.
You can read more about this year's painting and its artist on the Artist Spotlight page of this website.