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ArtTalk – Annelies Van Dommelen
The Muse Within
Annelies van Dommelan confronts her canvas or paper with no plan, no vision and no fear. The artwork that results is a record of a subconscious interior monologue that is influenced by nature, the artistic life her parents brought her up in, and the work of 16th-century painter Hieronymous Bosch. Annelies’s works are an energetic arabesque of crows and androgynous humans set in an inchoate environment. The viewer perceives a story but the story itself is out of reach. Hers is a fantastical realm that is nevertheless familiar in some indefinable way. The Muses speak to Annelies’s subconscious and she gives them free reign on the canvas.

Classically trained at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art (PAFA) and other colleges, Annelies van Dommelan’s work is in the collections at PAFA, Hunterdon Museum of Art, and numerous corporate collections. She’s exhibited at Woodmere Museum, numerous times at Phillips’ Mill Community Association — including in the 75th Anniversary Retrospective — and the New Jersey State Museum.
Hosted By:

Laura Womack
Laura hosted her own syndicated show in Virginia before joining WAMU in Washington, D.C., where she also contributed to NPR. Laura became involved in the arts while living in Singapore, where she worked as a docent and developed an interest in textiles. Today, Laura is a weaver and president of the Phillips’ Mill Community Association.