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Literary Salon - STORYTELLING - 2023

The second in a series of literary/artistic Salons at Phillips’ Mill will be held on Thursday, February 16, from 7 to 8:30 pm, and the theme is storytelling. The topic of the first Salon was “Monologues” and will make a reappearance later in the series.
“We all have stories to tell,” says John McDonnell, host of the series, “and with this Salon we’re inviting people to come and tell their favorite stories.” The stories can be up to five minutes long and must be original to the storyteller. They can be family stories, memories, personal experiences — anything that is memorable and appropriate for a general audience. Storytelling is an age-old form of entertainment, and it helps us all to learn new things about ourselves and our fellow human beings.
Anyone who wants to tell a story can sign up below. There will be a limit on the number of storytelling slots available, so sign up today!
The Salon series, one of the drama programs at Phillips’ Mill, is an occasional series of gatherings that will provide creative inspiration and idea sharing for the local community. Based on the great salons of Paris, London, and New York in the 19th century, these events will bring together creative people from across the spectrum — writers, actors, artists, etc. — to share their ideas, talent, and some of their work in a friendly atmosphere. To stimulate discussion, each salon will have a performance or reading, followed by snacks and mingling (bring your own food and drinks to share, alcoholic or otherwise, if you desire!). For more information please contact John McDonnell at, or sign up below. Future salons are planned for flash fiction, poetry, monologues and more. Mark February 16 on your calendars and come out for a great evening at Phillips’ Mill!

John McDonnell is a novelist, playwright, and short story writer who lives in Doylestown. He has published 24 books of fiction, and his plays have been featured at theaters in New Mexico, Alabama, Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. John founded The Playwrights’ Bridge, a theater workshop in Bucks County, and he has connected with hundreds of theater artists through it.