Dear Friends of Phillips’ Mill,

As the cold weather finally seems to be settling in on our beautiful area, I’m nevertheless warmed by thoughts of all the wonderful events we shared this year. It was terrific to see so many of you at the several Mill Member Mixers, including the recent holiday party organized by Drama and Special Events. We’ve shared the stage with all of you for our Spring Musical and during our Premiere Showcase production, as well as photography from near and far, a juried selection of top local art, and works of all media from the emerging artists of our local schools. We’ve interviewed local artists, held plein air sessions and even bowdlerized Shakespeare for a lark on the banks of Primrose Creek here at Phillips’ Mill.
It’s been a wonderful year. We thank you for sharing it with us.
Next year is shaping up to be even more exciting! So while you’re raising a cup this New Year to auld lang syne, raise one to 2023. We’re looking forward to seeing you then at the Mill.