“Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and cauldron bubble.” — William Shakespeare, Macbeth
The 93rd annual Juried Art Show at Phillips’ Mill came to an end on Halloween weekend.

The show was a success as indicated by the attendance, sales and selection of art. We are proud to have displayed the finest works of local artists. However, make no mistake, our four-person panel of jurors –– distinguished academic artists –– were challenged by ALL of the over 600 submissions. We are fortunate to live in such a creative community.
The performance of our 60-member art committee reflected “double, double toil and trouble.” There were times when these ghosts and goblins burned the midnight oil to implement this stellar show. The preliminary results indicate sales revenues exceeded last year, which is always wonderful news. And while the implementation of the show began in January, the planning began just weeks after the 92nd exhibition closed with an evaluation for improvement. This volunteer organization is as devoted to our area’s artists as its founders were over nine decades ago.
During a rainy week in September, we expected our number of visitors to be minimal. They were not. We had over 120 visitors that week. To date we have had over 1200. Visitors reported in their evaluations that, “This was the best show ever!”
We are grateful that we can honor the creativity in our community at-large with this show. We are grateful that we can produce this show for the public.
Many thanks to you for your support.
See you next year.
Mary Flamer, Chair
93rd Juried Art Show at Phillips’ Mill