95th Birthday Bash Wrap-Up with Photo Gallery

July 30, 2024

The 95th Birthday Bash at the Mill last Saturday evening was a rousing success. A full house enjoyed a festive atmosphere under perfectly behaved blue skies thanks to the weather gods and a hard-working committee composed of Jane Ford-Hutchinson, our fearless leader and chair, Mary Fowles, Sally Henriques, David Hewitt, Carol Hurst, Diana Resek, Candace Wallace, and Laura Womack, with additional behind-the-scenes help from Patrick Fowles and Terri Epstein. Jane’s devoted family also pitched in with son-in-law Dave Dembeck as the evening’s emcee, and granddaughters Kara and Ada joining the Fowles’ grandsons Jack and Wyatt in the management of the yard games. 

When Phillips’ Mill invites people to become a part of the Mill family, they mean it!

Special thanks to the Back Porch Jugband for their spirited musical accompaniment for the evening, Dan Sierchio for photographing the event, and Pierre’s Chocolates of New Hope for donating their delectable chocolates for our dessert course.

Finally, the entire Mill family –– committee, board, and membership –– is grateful to those who stepped up to donate additional financial contributions to this all-important Preservation Fund event. A complete list of contributors will be added to the website soon.

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Illustration of the Phillips' Mill -Artist: Kathie Jankauskus