Michener Art Museum's Andrea Thompson DISCUSSes ART AS A CAREER
Students and parents packed the house downstairs at Phillips’ Mill on February 5, 2023, to hear Andrea Thompson, Arts Education Manager of the Michener Art Museum, discuss Art as a Life and Career Path.
Andrea’s talk emphasized the variety and abundance of career paths for artists, from cartooning to medical illustration, set design to board game production, editorial and graphic design and more.
Joining her were Ellen Pietsch, a current art student, and Alexandra Pietsch and Julie Ciccone, graduates of art programs, who shared their experiences with the crowd. Among the topics discussed were portfolios, the benefits of starting your college search early, volunteering your artistic skills for experience and connections, and saying “yes” to every opportunity along the way.
Andrea closed with a rundown of art opportunities for students at the Michener Art Museum, including a Portfolio Foundations class, CIT work at their summer camps, and internships