Thank You for a Wonderful Year
As the cold weather finally seems to be settling in on our beautiful area, I’m nevertheless warmed by thoughts of all the wonderful events we shared this year. It was terrific to see so many of you at the several Mill Member Mixers, including the recent holiday party organized by Drama and Special Events. We’ve shared the stage with all of you for our Spring Musical and during our Premiere Showcase production, as well as photography from near and far, a juried selection of top local art, and works of all media from the emerging artists of our local schools. We’ve interviewed local artists, held plein air sessions and even bowdlerized Shakespeare for a lark on the banks of Primrose Creek here at Phillips’ Mill.
It’s been a wonderful year. We thank you for sharing it with us.
Next year is shaping up to be even more exciting! So while you’re raising a cup this New Year to auld lang syne, raise one to 2023. We’re looking forward to seeing you then at the Mill.
Happy Holidays,
Laura Womack
President, Phillips' Mill Community Association

The Phillips’ Mill is truly a gem, a unique and historic space that dates back to the 18th century.
Once a meeting place for the esteemed Pennsylvania Impressionists, the Mill today is a venue for local theater, a reflective space for creating art and seeking beauty, a gallery for exhibitions and a small architectural wonder.
Each year we ask our community to contribute to our Preservation Fund. It provides a critical source of funding that enables us to maintain our beloved Mill and its beautiful property. When making your year-end, tax-deductible donations this year, please consider the Phillips’ Mill Preservation Fund.

The 10th Annual Phillips' Mill Youth Art Exhibition will be opening at the Mill in late January 2023. This is a unique opportunity for high school students to exhibit their work in a public setting among their peers.
Established in 2014, the Phillips’ Mill Youth Art Exhibition showcases the artwork by area high school students living within a 25-mile radius of the Mill. The exhibition not only offers young artists the chance to display their work at Phillips’ Mill, but also be awarded for their achievements.
Last year, 23 high schools participated in the show, which was online only. We are really excited to be bringing the exhibition back to the Mill, and hope to see you there!

More Fun Than Wordle?
It seems everyone is playing with words these days. Even the kids. Our “Play with Words” Youth Playwriting Challenge is more involved than a daily puzzle, but we’d like to think it’s just as fun.
“Play with Words” is a juried playwriting competition that offers school-aged youth, grades 6 to 12, the chance to have their work critiqued by distinguished writing professionals and performed live on stage. Submissions are now being accepted.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to January 31, 2023, to accommodate various school schedules.
The first 50 submissions received will be considered. There will be a $50.00 cash prize for each winning entry plus a staged reading before a live audience at Phillips’ Mill in March 2023.

Writers: Curious About Salons?
During the first session, held on November 20 and hosted by John McDonnell with special guest Joey Perillio, participants recited or read a monologue. Some read their own work. Some read the work of others. Some were not there to perform at all but to get tips on presentation or to see what it was all about. Participants brought wine and snacks to share in a relaxed environment.
Ideas are now being discussed for future salons, including flash fiction, short stories, poetry, “on the spot,” brainstorming exercises for authors and more. Details and 2023 dates to be announced on our website in the coming weeks.

2022 Phillips’ Mill Emerging Playwright Competition Sold Out!
The 5th Annual Emerging Playwright Competition Reading of Plays, held on November 19th at the Mill, sold out a few days before the event. Make a note to yourself to reserve your spot early next year! This has become a very popular event.
Please join us in thanking the volunteers, playwrights, actors, directors, judges and supporters who made the evening such a success. “And a special shout-out to our audience that night. They showed up in every way, providing encouragement, support and valuable feedback,” says Valerie Eastburn, Director of Phillips’ Mill Drama.

Photo: Sue Ann Rainey
It’s a Wrap. See You Next Year
Join us in thanking the ArtTalk team of Jen McHugh, Jean Mihich, Dennis Riley and Laura Womack for another year of fascinating programming! They are taking a much-deserved break in December, but will be back in January.
Can’t wait? Now’s a great time to catch up on any shows you missed in our archives.

Be Part of Our Community of Artists
From time to time, we feature artist spotlights and member galleries on our website, as well as helpful resources for creative professionals. It’s part of our commitment to nurture and engage with our community of artists and art enthusiasts not only during special events and exhibitions, but throughout the year.
Let us know if you are interested in participating or just have a great idea to share with your colleagues and peers. Not a member of the Mill? This is another great reason to join.

Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition
30th Anniversary Celebration
Exhibition Open April 2 – 21, 2023 • At the Mill
The prestigious Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition is a month-long celebration of the fine art of photography. It is considered the premier annual juried photography exhibition in Bucks County, Pa.
This year’s prestigious show will be juried by Jill Enfield, an internationally acclaimed fine art photographer, author and educator. In addition to expertise in current standard digital photo techniques, Jill is also a leading authority in Alternative Photographic Processes.

Not Your Run of the Mill Photo Show
Members’ Exhibition
April 23 – April 30, 2023 • At the Mill
Our second photo exhibition of the year, the “Not Your Run of the Mill Photo Show,” is a members’ show featuring the works of the volunteers/photographers who work so hard every year to produce the prestigious annual juried Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition.

The Start of a New Tradition: The Phillips’ Mill Holiday Soiree
On December 1, 2022, Phillips’ Mill kicked off the season with a new tradition: the Phillips’ Mill Holiday Soiree. This lively celebration featured festive holiday decor and dreamy twinkling lights guiding guests across the bridge of Primrose Creek and up to the Mill. It was a warm and wonderful evening of holiday cheer, friends and the music of The Fog. Guests had a chance to preview a series of posters highlighting the songs and plays of Drama’s most recent musical comedy cabaret, “Marriage: What’s Love Got to Do with It,” as well as a running loop of a compilation of highlights from recent Mill cabarets. Click on the link below to view the video played that night.