Now On Display:
The 93rd Juried Art Show at Phillips’ Mill
It’s one of the most highly anticipated events in our region and the most prestigious art show in Bucks County. The 93rd Juried Art Show at Phillips’ Mill is now on display at the Mill. You don’t want to miss it. You can view all artwork from the show online as well.
We are also excited to announce a special demonstration with award-winning painter Joe Gyurcsak, as well as new Drama programs. Now is the perfect time to experience the creative energy, talent and spirit of Phillips’ Mill.

The Tradition Continues
The 93rd Juried Art Show at Phillips’ Mill kicked off with its traditional Opening Reception for Patrons on Friday, September 23. During this celebratory event, which set the mood for a successful opening weekend, awards were presented to 19 artists as guests got their first peek at the new show.
While many works have already sold, including the two below, many others are still for sale. Don’t miss your opportunity to purchase your next work of original art.

(R) “Flowing Lilies II” by Jean Childs Buzgo
Visit the Show
1 to 5 pm Daily Through October 30, 2022
We encourage you to come to the Mill to see this extraordinary show in person, meet some of the artists and be part of our history. “It’s so wonderful to be in a place like the Mill, surrounded by art and inspired by art,” says Mary Flamer, Chair of the 93rd Juried Art Show at Phillips’ Mill.

Patrons’ Award for Painting • $1000
“Just the Way It Was” by Joe Gyurcsak
Patrons’ Award for Drawing, Pastel or Printmaking • $1000
“Slipping Into Dark” by Jane Ramsey
Patrons’ Award for Sculpture • $1000
“The Last Breath Embrace” by Arthur Areyan
Award in Memory of Jack Staub given by Sally Drayer • $1000
“Dancing Sunflowers” by Claudia Fountaine

Awards were presented to the 2022 winners during the Opening Reception for Patrons on September 23.
Meet the Artists
Throughout the show, as in years past, a number of accepted artists will be stopping by the Mill to chat with guests on scheduled days and times.
Check back often for up-to-date schedule information, including additions and any changes to the calendar.
“I feel fortunate to be here for the fourth year,” said artist James Carvalho, who was at the Mill on Saturday, October 1, to discuss his accepted work, “Delaware River Tributary.”
“This is a very competitive show that many artists strive to get into year after year. It humbles me to know that my works are hanging in the same place that some of the greats hung in.”

Nocturne Painting Demo with Joe Gyurcsak
Saturday, November 5, 2 to 4:30 pm
During the pandemic, we all began to see things in a different light. For artist Joe Gyurcsak, that meant discovering a whole new way of looking at his own neighborhood at night. He will take you through his process, sharing his tips and techniques on nocturne painting.
The painting will go on sale at the end of the demonstration, with proceeds split evenly between Phillips’ Mill and the Doylestown Art League.
Phillips’ Mill and Doylestown Art League members: $25.
Non-members: $35.00.
Read more about Joe Gyurcsak at Oil Painters of America.

5th Annual Emerging Playwright Competition
Reading of Winning Plays
Saturday, November 19, 7 pm
We’re thrilled to hold our 5th anniversary reading live onstage! It will include a moderated talkback/Q&A between the audience and the playwrights. We’re also excited to announce that there will be a wine reception for sponsors, actors, playwrights, jurors and audience following the readings.
Winners will be announced the week of October 12.
Sponsors will be announced in the program, as well as in The Grist and on our website.
Masks and proof of vaccination may be requested at the event.

OCTOBER 26 • 7 pm
Spotlight on the Emerging Playwright Competition
We’ll explore playwriting and this popular Phillips’ Mill competition.
NOVEMBER 16 • 7 pm
Annelies van Dommelen
The improvisational artist discusses the challenges and rewards of working without a plan. And we’ll ask her about all those crows!

“Play with Words” Youth Playwriting Challenge
Phillips’ Mill has announced an exciting playwriting competition for students, grade 6 to 12, with a “playful” name and a sincere intent. “Play with Words” was developed to encourage student writers to create original works for the stage.
Submissions for the competition open on October 15, 2022. Winning submissions will be read on the stage of the historic Phillips’ Mill on Sunday, March 12, 2023, at 3 pm.
Winners will receive a $50 cash prize in addition to having their work performed live at a staged reading at Phillips’ Mill. Authors of winning submissions may direct their work, if desired. Phillips’ Mill will select all actors and directors if the playwright chooses not to direct.

Introducing: The Phillips’ Mill Salon
The great salons of Paris were hotbeds of inspiration for creative people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Phillips’ Mill is introducing its own Salon series to bring together writers, actors, artists and other creative people to share their ideas and talent in a friendly atmosphere. The first salon will feature monologues by talented local actors.
Sunday, November 20
Phillips’ Mill Salon with John McDonnell

John McDonnell is a novelist, playwright, and short story writer who lives in Doylestown. He has published 24 books of fiction, and his plays have been featured at theaters in New Mexico, Alabama, Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. John founded The Playwrights’ Bridge, a theater workshop in Bucks County, and he has connected with hundreds of theater artists through it.

Phillips’ Mill Annual MeetingTuesday, October 4, 5:30 pmAt the MillAll members of the Phillips’ Mill Community Association are invited to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors will report on their activities for the last year. Members are requested to vote on new Board members and officers.For more information, please email

In Celebration of the Phillips’ Mill Lathrop Circle
Members of the Phillips’ Mill Lathrop Circle gathered on the grounds of the historic Holicong estate on Sunday, September 18, 2022, for a delightful evening. The event is held every year in appreciation of the support provided by the Lathrop Circle to our many programs. Nearly 70 people were in attendance. A special thank you to JoAnn and Ridge Goodwin for graciously hosting the event at their 1835 home. They offered guided tours of their extensive gardens, which included rare conifers and a collection of sculptures. It was a wonderful treat!