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If you haven’t yet seen the 2023 Youth Art Exhibition at Phillips’ Mill, take note: The show ends this weekend, and it’s not to be missed. The quality of work in this show will amaze you.
Last Chance to See the Youth Art Exhibition
Saturday & Sunday, February 18 and 19
12 to 4 pm, at the Mill

The prestigious Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition, now in its 30th year, is a month-long celebration of the fine art of photography. This year’s show will be juried by Jill Enfield, an internationally acclaimed fine art photographer, and a leading authority in Alternative Photographic Processes.

Phillips’ Mill Youth Art Exhibition
Congratulations to the 2023 Award Winners
“There were so many amazing, inspired works in this year’s Youth Art Exhibition at Phillips’ Mill. I wish I could have given them all awards,” said this year’s juror, Kenoka Wagner, a mixed media artist, painter, printmaker and sculptor from Revere, Pennsylvania.During a special ceremony, just prior to the opening of the show, awards were presented to students in five categories:
“It is my hope that these fine artists continue their path of creativity, shining a light on expression and the importance of art. I chose ‘Portrait of a Dreamer’ by Delia McHugh as Best in Show for its unteachable sensitivity, originality in the use of materials, conveyance of theme, and overall presentation,” adds Wagner.

Portrait of a Gifted Artist: Delia McHugh
Winner, Best in Show, 2023 Youth Art Exhibition
When Delia McHugh asked her art teacher at Central Bucks West if she could borrow some oil pastels to finish up a piece, she was just “playing around” with a new medium. When Delia returned to school a few days later, her teacher was astonished by the self-portrait the young artist created.
That teacher, Allison Levin, encouraged Delia to submit work to the 2023 Phillips’ Mill Youth Art Exhibition. It was her first submission—and it won Best in Show.

Salon at Phillips’ Mill
Storytelling with John McDonnellThursday, February 16, 7 pmAt the MillThis literary/artistic salon will focus on storytelling, an age-old form of entertainment that helps us learn new things about ourselves and our fellow human beings. A special thanks to our guest, John McDonnell, for being a part of this series. Stay tuned for dates and details on our next Salon.

Play with Words: Reading of Plays
Featuring Griffin Horn
March 12, 3 pm
At the Mill
Join us as we celebrate young playwriting talent. Students who submitted selected plays will see them produced in a reading on the Mill stage.
Gracie Lin, Princeton Day School
Matilda Bray, Solebury School
Our guest artist, playwright Griffin Horn, will lead the audience in a brief demonstration of the craft of playwriting, in order to pull back the curtain on the rigor and creativity deployed by these artists.

Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition
April 2 – 21, 2023
At the Mill
Join us in celebrating 30 years of fine art photography at Phillips’ Mill. The prestigious Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition returns to the Mill in April as part of a month-long event that culminates with the “Not Your Run of the Mill” Photo Show.

“Not Your Run of the Mill” Photo Show
April 23 – 30, 2023
At the Mill
Our second photo exhibition of the year, the “Not Your Run of the Mill” Photo Show, is a members’ show featuring the works of the volunteers/photographers who work so hard every year to produce the prestigious annual juried Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition.

“Now That’s Funny"
May 17 – 20, 2023
At the Mill
Every spring, the Drama Committee at Phillips’ Mill produces a comedic musical. The audience, seated cabaret style, becomes a part of the collaboration.
Details to follow in next month’s Grist.
Join Our Cast and Crew
Phillips’ Mill Drama is still in the early stages of planning its next production, “Now That’s Funny,” so it’s not too late to get involved. We’re looking for volunteers to help with singing, dancing or acting, stage set and/or prop design. No experience necessary. Just the desire to have fun and build our community.
Email Betty at or Valerie at to sign up or find out more.

94th Juried Art Show at Phillips’ Mill
September 23—October 29, 2023
Now in its 94th year, the esteemed Juried Art Show at Phillips’ Mill will be co-chaired by Mary Flamer and Theresa Brumfield. Planning is already underway for the historic show, and volunteers are needed. It’s a great way to support the arts, meet new friends and be part of a Bucks County tradition.
Email if you are interested in volunteering or joining a committee.

Chili Hoedown at the Mill
SUNDAY, MARCH 5 • 4-7 pm
Warm up your late winter blues with a lively evening at the Mill.
Easy group dancing
Chili supper
Special entertainment
Bring your friends to share the fun!
$20 Mill members
$25 Non-members
Space is limited, so sign up soon! Pre-registration and payment required. Questions? Contact Jenn at

Art as a Life and Career Path Explored
Andrea Thompson, Arts Education Manager of the Michener Art Museum, led a lively discussion at the Mill earlier this month. The topic? Art as a Life and Career Path.
Andrea’s talk emphasized the variety and abundance of career paths for artists, from cartooning to medical illustration, set design to board game production, editorial and graphic design and more.

We are excited to announce the return of the Photo of the Month, to be coordinated by volunteer Michele Becci. This month's featured photo is “Hope” by Daniel Michael Sierchio.
You can find more of Daniel’s stunning work on the Featured Photographers page of the Phillips’ Mill website.