The Fine Art of Photography
In less than a month, Phillips’ Mill Photo will be presenting the prestigious Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition at the historic Mill. It’s one of our biggest events of the year.
Now in its 30th year, this juried show attracts incredible talent from around the world. We are especially excited to spotlight our show’s juror, fine art photographer, educator and author Jill Enfield, in this issue of The Grist.
In case you missed it, the accepted works were announced this past weekend. Congratulations to all! We look forward to seeing the exhibition on display in just a few short weeks.
Artists: Don't miss the call for submissions for our annual Signature Image for the annual juried art show. Details below.

A Conversation with Jill Enfield
Juror for the 30th Annual
Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition
Thursday, March 23, 7 pm, Online
Our popular ArtTalk series is back! Please join us online this Thursday, as Jill Enfield discusses her work as a leading authority in Alternative Photographic Processes.
Jill is a fine art photographer, the author of three books and an educator who has exhibited internationally and published in National Geographic, Camera Arts and numerous other magazines.

Celebrating 30 Years of Fine Art Photography
April 2–21, 2023
Sundays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, 1 - 5 pm
Fridays & Saturdays, 1 - 8 pm
The prestigious 2023 Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition follows a celebrated tradition of showcasing fine-art photography from the local region and beyond. We encourage submission of a body of work in any photographic medium from historic to digital in order to best represent your creative expression. The exhibition will be on-site in the repurposed historic stone grist mill designed for presentation.

Open Rehearsal of “The Telling Is in the Music”
Saturday, April 15, 3 pm at the Mill
Please join us at the Mill for a free open rehearsal of the Concordia Chamber Players. It’s a great opportunity to take in the beauty of the Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition, which will still be on display, while listening to the sounds of these world-class musicians.
This is the final rehearsal before the formal concert, which will be held the next day, Sunday, April 16, at 3 pm, at Trinity Church.

“Not Your Run of the Mill” Photo Show
April 23 – 30, 2023
At the Mill
Our second photo exhibition of the year, the “Not Your Run of the Mill” Photo Show, is a members’ show featuring the works of the volunteers/photographers who work so hard every year to produce the prestigious annual juried Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition.

Discussion with Self-Published Authors
Tuesday, April 25, 7 pm
At the Mill
“Self-publishing has become an integral part of the publishing industry,” says John McDonnell, host of our Salon series.In this Salon, the third in the series, we will showcase some of the amazing local authors who have embraced this new era of publishing.

“Now That’s Funny"
May 17 – 20, 2023
At the Mill
Every spring, the Drama Committee at Phillips’ Mill produces a comedic musical. The audience, seated cabaret style, becomes a part of the collaboration.
Save the date for “Now That's Funny!” and get ready for 90 minutes of skits, songs, jokes, rats (yes, rats) and dances. You’ll be laughing so hard, you’ll want to bring tissues!
More information in next month’s Grist.

Summer Fête at Phillips’ Mill
Saturday, August 19
The Mill’s annual Preservation Fundraiser returns! This is one of our biggest events of the year, with proceeds benefiting the preservation of our beloved historic mill. We’ll be providing more details in future issues of The Grist.

Photographer Jill Enfield Works Through the Process
When the 30th Annual Phillips’ Mill Photography Exhibition opens on April 2, 2023, it will be a collection of artwork carefully curated by internationally acclaimed fine art photographer Jill Enfield. A leading authority on Alternative Photographic Processes, Jill is also an educator and the author of three books on the subject.
When she describes her career, she weaves together stories of discovery that have shaped her life as much as her work. That includes one of the artistic processes for which she is best known: wet plate collodion. It was a technique introduced to her by her own teaching assistant. Jill, always open to exploring new ideas as well as everyday experiences, was intrigued.

94th Annual Phillips’ Mill Juried Art Show
“Signature Image” Call for Submissions
Deadline: April 7, 2023
Every year the Phillips’ Mill Art Show committee selects a “signature image” of the Mill to be used on posters, ads, postcards, social media and the website for the upcoming show.
This is a dynamic opportunity for artists to build their visibility among collectors. In the past, many of our signature images have sold. Other benefits include:
● $400 honorarium
● Promotion of the artwork in ads and press releases
● Promotion in the Mill’s social media
● A profile of the artist on the Mill’s website and in its monthly newsletter, The Grist
● Potential for the artist to be profiled in local media
● The selected artist may still enter other artwork in the show
All images will be reviewed and considered. Previous years have included whimsical as well as traditional depictions of the Mill and its surroundings. We are encouraging artists to consider themes of diversity and to “think outside of the box.”

Youth Art Exhibition Announces the “People’s Choice” Winner for 2023
Each year, young artists from around the region get a chance to submit their work to the Phillips’ Mill Youth Art Exhibition. Many of these talented high school students also receive awards for their work, as announced in last month’s newsletter.
This month we are delighted to announce the winner of the 2023 “People’s Choice” Award. This cash award goes to the artwork that received the most votes for “didn’t receive an award but should have.”
This year’s winner:
Regan Sherman
Hopewell Valley Central High School
“Pick Me Apart”
Acrylic Paint
Voting took place throughout the duration of the show and was tallied on the last day. There were no age restrictions on voting. Each voter got one vote.
We thank the many generous sponsors who made this exhibition possible.

Bravo! Play with Words Showcased the Works of Four Student Writers
Congratulations to the four talented student writers whose plays were read at the Mill on March 12.
The winning playwrights were:
Gracie Lin, 7th grade, Princeton Day School, “Our Blue Period”
Maeve Sheehan & Maria Kesisoglou, 10th grade, New Hope Solebury School District, “Roll Over Beethoven”
Matilda Bray, 11th grade, Solebury School

Play With Words encourages and supports original playwriting from students within a 25-mile radius of New Hope in three divisions: Grades 6-8, 9-10 and 11-12.
Thank you to all who came out to support our young writers.

Hay Bales, Bandanas and Cowboy Boots.
The Chili Hoedown Hit All the Right Notes
The old Mill was transformed into a rollicking barn-dance scene on Sunday, March 5. More than 50 members of the Mill and their guests filled the dance floor and wound their way through line dances, square dances and the Virginia Reel. Although their feet weren’t always in unison, everyone wore big smiles and had a mighty good time.
Adding to the down-home merriment was a ranch-y (and somewhat raunchy) duet by Valerie Eastburn and Joe Phillips, accompanied by Sev Fowles on the guitar. Downstairs, guests enjoyed a buffet of chilis, corn bread, salad, and cookies.
Thanks to the Special Events Committee and other volunteers, the mill was in full swing once again.
Hoedown Crew: Mark Baran, Betty Benton, Pamela Blake, Bob Cosner, Valerie Eastburn, Mary Fowles, Angela Franco, David Hewitt, Tom Lillis, Eva McHale, Stephanie O’Connor, Joe Phillips, Dennis Riley, Annsi Stephano, Monika Suli, and Jennifer Un.
Submitted by Patrick and Mary Fowles.
Remembering Painter W. Carl Burger
Anyone who understands the challenges of watercolor painting or highly detailed graphite drawing understands what New Jersey’s Carl Burger achieved with these over his long career. His death two weeks ago at the age of 97 is a personal loss for those who knew him well and treasured his friendship. Happily, he leaves a remarkable visual legacy.

This month we are delighted to feature “The Squeeze” by Dutch Bagley. His series of images titled “Structured Haiku” is on display at Gallery 14 in Hopewell, NJ, through April 2, 2023.